Cookie Policy

Last updated: July 27, 2023

At website, we believe in being transparent about how we collect and use data. This policy provides information about how and when we use cookies for these purposes.

Cookies are small text files sent by us to your computer and from your computer or mobile device to us each time you visit our website. They are unique to your account or your browser.

We use cookies to enhance the functionality of our site, to understand site usage and to improve our content and offerings. We may use cookies to control the display of ads, to track usage patterns on the site, to deliver editorial content, and to record registration and personalization information.

Third-Party Email Marketing Services

Our third-party email marketing services, such as AWeber, may use cookies or similar technologies to help manage and optimize your email communication experience. These technologies are used for purposes such as measuring the effectiveness of our email campaigns and enhancing the relevance of the marketing messages you receive. You can learn more about how these services use cookies by visiting their respective privacy policies.

For more information about how we use cookies, please see our Privacy Policy.

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